ITERA Corporate Finance Finance can refer potential clients to a large number of successful management and advisory projects in the manufacturing, trade and service sectors.
For detailed information on previous management and advisory projects of ITERA Corporate Finance, please contact us directly:
ITERA AG Corporate Finance
Dr. Giorgio Meier-Mazzucato
Etzelstrasse 42
8038 Zürich
The following is a short, anonymised extract (by industry) from the client list of ITERA Corporate Finance:
- Food and Beverages
- Leading European service provider for the food service and trading sectors (listed company)
- Leading Swiss service provider for the food service and trading sectors
- Utilities
- Leading Swiss energy service provider
- Leading Swiss telecommunications provider
- Leading international developer in the area of renewable energy
- Leading Swiss engineering company
- Leading global provider of aerospace, space, defense and transport technology
- eading Swiss group focusing on ICT as well as electrotechnical products and services
- Insurance Services
- Leading Swiss all-line insurance group
- Leading Swiss provider of health insurance services
- Capital Goods
- Global leader in the field of business jets, regional aircraft and railroad technology (listed company)
- Leading international manufacturer of industrial production systems
- Leading global manufacturer of technical synthetics and composites
- Leading global provider of filter technology services
- Logistics
- European leader in the cross-border transport of persons
- Financial Services
- Leading global financial services group focusing on wealth management, corporate banking, asset management and investment banking (listed company)
- Leading Swiss financial services group focusing on wealth management, corporate banking, asset management and investment banking
- Retail
- Leading Swiss company trading in and marketing construction, home and sanitary products
- Leading Swiss company trading in motor vehicles, repair services and accessories
- Leading Europe company trading in production, trade and marketing of products in the area of furnishing & living
- Leading Swiss retail company focusing on international trading of specialised textile products
- Education
- Federal academic institution who is also an international leader
- Leading Swiss provider of first-class teaching courses with federally accepted diplomas
- Consumer Goods
- Leading Swiss manufacturer of first-class office furniture systems
- Leading international FMCG manufacturer and trader in the area of luxury goods
- Professional Services
- Leading Swiss provider of consulting engineering services to the lighting, energy, telematics, health and safety sectors
- Global provider of market research services for the media sector.
- Leading Swiss provider of medical writing, medical marketing and regulatory services to the pharmaceutical and medical technology sectors
- Global leading provider of datamanagement and retrieval software solutions and systems with a focus on the ICT, internet, media and financial services industry
- Leading Swiss company focusing on technical building and facility management services
- Leading Swiss HMO healthcare and services provider
- Leading Swiss provider of medical diagnostic services
- Precision Technology
- Leading global industrial company providing high-precision engineering and medical technology services (listed company)
- Leading global industrial company focused on diagnostics in the area of life sciences
- Leading international company in the area of applications based precision components with IP reimbursement
- Construction
- International leader in the construction and maintenance of railway infrastructures
- Media & Entertainment
- Leading Swiss publisher of legal literature
- Leading international listed media company