Latest books of reference
New subject literature – How can SMEs lay the groundwork for the future today?
Entrepreneurs and experts discuss practical examples of succession planning. The book establishes links between the conceptual point of view and specific succession examples from the practice. The book focuses on the process itself as well as the central topics of the St. Gallen succession model and systematically analyses real corporate succession cases. 189 pages.
New subject literature – Financing of corporate succession against payment
Corporate succession against payment for SMEs with the focus falling on tax aspects; a comprehensive reference work for practitioners. 732 pages.
Latest trade publications
Subject literature – Aspects of corporate succession and business valuation
Corporate succession and business valuation are extremely complex projects which are, besides economical and financial apects, especially characterized by civil, social and fiscal law aspects. This article adresses some of these aspects and tries to illustrate and clarify recent events in a case related manner. Because of the plentitude the various topics will be divided up into three parts and featured in this and the next two volumes of the TREX.
Der Treuhandexperte, 3 2013 (PDF)
Subject literature – Preparatory structuring of companies in the corporate succession process
Quite often, companies have over a period of many years accumulated substantial assets not required for operations (known as “heavy companies”). Particularly when it comes to the corporate succession of such companies, the person taking over the company often does not have sufficient own capital to finance the purchase price. Spin-offs or splits can provide solutions to this problem.
Der Treuhandexperte, 3 2012 (PDF)
New subject literature – Value/price perspectives and share block premiums and discounts in company valuations and corporate transactions
Real company valuations always take place within a specific context and are therefore subject to certain value and price perspectives that depend on the type of corporate transaction (sales strategies) and any contracts between the parties (shareholders’ agreements), which might have to be supplemented by share block premiums and discounts under company and tax legislation. This value/price perspective and the share block premiums and discounts are based on the central value of the company, which is independent of these perspectives. This contribution provides a systematic breakdown and description of the factors affecting the value of the company.
Fachbeiträge, 5 2011 (PDF)
Financing of corporate succession against payment – optimisation of taxes and financing
One of the biggest corporate succession hurdles is the financing of the purchase price for the company. Financing capacity has a direct impact on the purchase price. Optimised tax conditions include important elements of the process of determining and financing the purchase price. The authors use a case study to discuss the basic principles and rules of purchase price financing. The acquisition company and the use of treasury shares are considered as transaction options.
Der Treuhandexperte, 3 2011 (PDF)
Tax aspects of corporate succession – some important topics
Functioning corporate succession is important in all regards and must therefore be promoted. The material criteria include advantageous tax conditions. The author identifies some important and also new tax aspects of the corporate succession process.
Der Treuhandexperte, 6 2009 (PDF)